Christmas… again?

Christmas is just around the corner. It’s not long till December and once the 1st of December hits, it’s fast-forward all the way to Christmas Day. My annual internal debate has begun: Do I  put up a Christmas tree or not. I have a collection of ornaments that I’ve purchased (and received as gifts)  in various places over the years (all neatly catalogued as to where I was and who I was with) and they deserve an airing on what I’ve called my ‘travel tree’.

But the question is, can I be bothered? Does the hassle of buying a tree and lugging it home outweigh the excitement of decorating it and the lovely memories that will come flooding back? Being superstitious adds to the complications as it’s ‘up by December 8th and down by January 6th’ with me and I won’t be in town on January 6th. Will that adversely affect my luck for the next year? Is it worth the risk?

I tell myself that if I had children and could make a big deal of the decorating, then I’d be first in the queue to buy a tree. If I had kids I could borrow, I might also be tempted. If I had someone patient enough (and interested enough) to share my reminiscences, then perhaps I’d do more than just consider it. Right now though, the hassle factor is winning out.

And, as I always do when faced with a major decision (major? shows just how complicated my life really is), I seek distraction. It seems that I’m never really on top of what’s happening and each year hear of something or somewhere that I’ve missed out on. So this year, I’ve been doing my homework and reading up on what’s on in Budapest over the holidays. What’s open and what’s closed. When everything is open and closed. Where the markets are. And I found it all in one place – everything from when the Santa train leaves to the times of the Advent Fair in Obuda. Written mostly Anna Sebestyen at, this site is well worth forwarding to any visitors you might have coming in over Christmas, and is also a good point of reference for what’s on in town. It’s certainly solved my problem: with so much going on, I won’t have time to get my tree – let alone decorate it.

5 responses to “Christmas… again?

  1. Pingback: Finally … a decision | Unpacking my 'bottom drawer' in Budapest

  2. Hi Mary,
    thank you for mentioning Budapest Christmas guide on your blog. I am hoping you will find the info useful, and add your own insights, photos of spending Christmas in Budapest.
    I will soon update the 2012 of Obuda Advent Fair, and I think you may find this historical piece interesting (seeing how well informed you are about our contemporary politics and Hungarian history) 🙂
    (I personally grew up in this era of private Christmases) 🙂

    I would also vote for the hassle of getting a tree, even if just a small tree. It makes company in itself, and helps to feel any Christmas more rounded. It is quite easy to get a table top mini tree in Budapest.
    At any rate, taking a walk around the market(s) is so good.
    Kind regards,
    Anna at and

  3. I will certainly put up my nativity scene–the three kings should be out already on their journey… But a tree? I’m not sure, and Mary’s blog resonated clearly with me… Keep us posted on your decision, Mary!

  4. I for one always hassled about Christmas Trees when the children were young. Between cats jumping for the Xmas balls, young boys putting the Xmas lights on the tree and taking them off to ‘fix’ a bulb. It was always a nightmare. But……… on Christmas Eve, when all is quite and the lights are twinkling it always gives me the Christmas moment. Till today, (boys are grown and the grandchildren are now on the way) I wonder if I can really be bothered to get the tree out again at Christmas, then I think …….. it is all about preparation, preparation for when Jesus has his birthday – so should I make the effort? I think so.
    As for the bad luck part, not to worry – I have taken care of that.
    So go the extra mile, and prepare a place for baby Jesus when He has his birthday.

What do you think?